Category: IT Support London

My laptop is lost or stolen, what should I do?

My laptop is lost or stolen, what should I do?

We often think of cybercriminals as evil geniuses working in ‘MI5-style’ control rooms, continually working to uncover weaknesses in the cybersecurity of businesses and individuals internationally. In reality, it is

All You Need to Know About Microsoft 365 Copilot

Are you ready to revolutionise your productivity with Microsoft 365 Copilot? Imagine having a virtual assistant at your fingertips, seamlessly integrated into your favourite Microsoft tools like Word, Teams, PowerPoint,

A comprehensive IT Guide for Startups

A comprehensive IT Guide for Startups Starting a new business venture is an exciting journey, but one of the critical aspects that demand careful consideration is the setup of your Information Technology (IT) infrastructure. With

What is privilege creep and how to prevent it?

What is privilege creep and how to prevent it?

Ever wondered how the tiniest chink in your cyber armour could snowball into a digital catastrophe? In our hyper-connected world, where every click and keystroke leaves a trace, IT security

Why is your IT invoice always incorrect?

Why is your IT invoice always incorrect?

Navigating through IT invoices can often feel like unravelling a tangled web of different services, each tied to different aspects such as emails, devices, employees, and sites. In the quest

Why traditional IT Support doesn’t work

Why traditional IT Support doesn’t work Dealing with outdated IT support Have you ever found yourself stuck in an IT support purgatory? You know the drill:  Scenario 1: You call your IT provider, hoping for