Sereno IT Support Pricing Explained

Deciding on the right IT support provider involves careful consideration, and we understand it’s not a simple task.

To help you in this process, we’ve created simple videos that give a transparent view of the IT support pricing of different IT providers. Find out what they charge, what level of service delivery you can expect, and where Sereno fits within this complex landscape.

Our goal is to empower you with the information you need to make a well-informed decision about IT support pricing and services.

What are the different types of IT providers?

In this video we summarise the main types of IT Support providers and what level of service delivery you can expect from each.

Type 1 IT Support providers mainly focus on reactive support, and use use junior engineers resulting in a trial and error approach. Expect unreliable service and little to no Account Management.

Type 2 IT Support providers deliver a proactive focus at a system and tool level. They are often let down by poor service processes, resulting in confusion and delays. Account Managers are sales peope not technical advisors.

Type 3 IT Support providers are true strategic technology partners, with a proactive approach across all aspects of service delivery. Account Management works hand-in-hand with Service delivery to ensure an excellent client experience. 

Choosing and assessing an IT provider isn’t an easy task.

This video will help you spot the different types of providers and pick one that’s right for you.

In our experience most providers can be slotted into three types, each with different results on service quality and scope of support: 

The first type of providers are mainly focused on ‘reactive’ support – you bring an issue to them and they try to resolve it.

  • They often say they have a proactive approach, but this will be limited, they may have software installed on your machine that does some alerting and limited updates, but these aren’t reliable or reported on.
  • Their staff tend to have limited technical knowledge, with a lot of junior engineers.
  • This results in a lot of googling for answers, trial and error at your expense, and bigger issues can take a long time to fix.
  • The focus will be on technical ability not customer service skills.
  • Although they will have a ticketing system, they’re unlikely to have clear service processes developed, which results in inconsistent service.
  • You may experience the same issue again and again with these types of providers and find yourself chasing for updates on issues.
  • Account Management is unlikely to be developed, with review meetings happening irregularly usually when you have an issue, they want to sell you something or they want more money.
  • The upside is that these providers should be charging lower rates as a result, so if your budget is limited this may work for you for now.


Type 2 providers offer a more developed pro-active focus, they’re acting on alerts, reviewing device reports and can deliver reliable updates on devices.

  • This proactive approach however is limited to tools and systems, and not considered through their day to day service delivery.
  • They will have more senior staff now to complement junior engineers that allow for some escalation and will start looking at customer service skills rather than just technical.
  • Type two providers are usually let down by their processes – they don’t have clear escalation paths, their communication internally leads to confusion and delays for you, and the communication to you maybe great one day, but terrible the next.
  • They often create targets for engineers that encourage the wrong behaviour, such as targeting the number of tickets they close in a day, which cause quick fixes without actually resolving the issue or confirming you are happy.
  • They also haven’t encountered business growth themselves yet so are likely to struggle to scale without impacting service.
  • Account Management happens more regularly. It’s likely there will also be some sort of IT assessment when you meet with your provider.

However, the account managers are Sales People with sales targets, so these ‘improvements’ are generally opportunities for them to sell to you, rather than looking at your entire environment, including service delivery, for improvements that don’t cost money.

Type 3 providers whole approach will be pro-active, across all areas of their business.

  • They will do the ‘tool’ based proactive work discussed in Tier 2, but then actively review this in the context of all other aspects of service delivery and proactively conduct problem management processes on this – such as analysing service requests to identify recurring issues and trends, then taking action to improve your experience.
  • They will have a good distribution of competent staff, trained to a high level on technical and customer service skills before they become client facing.
  • There will also be a strong culture, which shows through to you with greater knowledge and care being taken with every request. At this level they will have mature processes around service delivery, ensuring reliable service from all areas of the business, with clear efficient escalation routes and prioritisation of high impact or recurring issues.
  • They also have experienced scaling a business, so their growth won’t impact service quality.
  • The Account Management team will be knowledgeable technical and business advisors, that work hand in hand with the technical and service delivery team. They will have comprehensive reviews that look at all areas of your technology environment, and the service you are receiving, to help them create action and improvement plans for you.
  • These will ensure you get the best from the technology and investment you have first, and then look at other improvements – both of which will support pre-agreed business goals.

What should I be paying & what can I expect for this?

£15-25 – IT Support providers who charge such a low price are only able to do this by employing inexperienced staff and not investing in a proactive approach.

£25-35 – Expect some system based proactive work but be prepared for ineffective Service Management leading to inconsistent service and a limited scope of responsibility.

£35-45 – Investment will have been made in technical staff, leadership, and training. Service processes will be streamlined and automated, keeping overheads low and resulting in a proactive approach that prevents issues ahead of time.

£45+ – This price is usually reserved for enterprises or large companies requiring complex support. Or they could be looking to maximise profits over service value.

Top tips – We have some great tips for you. Watch the video to find out what they are! 

Within the price bracket of £15-25, you will be working with type 1 providers.  

They can offer a service at this price because they have lower cost, less experienced staff, and don’t expect to invest time and resources into proactively reducing your issues or giving you the correct advice your business needs. 

They provide a low-cost option, but you compromise on service and getting the right advice. Expect slow and inconsistent responses, technical knowledge limitations, and the need to manage a fair amount of your IT internally. 

This could be a good option if you have an in-house IT guru who needs some low-level support occasionally that isn’t time sensitive.

For £25-£35, you can expect a type 2 type provider.  

Here you will see an improvement in technical knowledge and proactive maintenance of your machines.  

Although front-line technical staff have increased in competency, the company will not be investing in effective Service Management, or other areas of the service delivery process, that improve the consistency of those technical staff. 

They also are not looking to invest in technology that can improve your experience, making your life easier. Miscommunication, poor communication, and delayed responses are likely. 

This, along with the fact they’re focus doesn’t include all aspects of your technology environment, will mean internal staff are still needed to perform and manage some IT-related tasks. 

For £35-£45 you should expect a tier 3 provider. 

Due to their maturity as a business, they have invested in good technical staff and strong leadership and training, which has created efficient processes.  

This, coupled with the right investment in technology to help automate and streamline the business, has meant they can provide best-in-class service while keeping operational costs low and passing this on to partners.  

They also realise that investing time proactively into partners through assessment and consultancy is costly but pays off long term by reducing issues and risks and benefits everyone.  

Of course, not all at this price level will be Tier 3, but hopefully the above video has given you some ideas on how to assess this for yourself. 

At £45+ You should expect a tier 3 provider. 

However, unless you are an enterprise size business of 150 staff of more you shouldn’t expect to pay this much. 

Its true that price can dictate service quality, however a provider charging this amount means they are not running the business effectively or utilising technology to help streamline their business – which for a technology consultancy should be concerning!  

It could also mean that they’re simply looking to maximise profits at the cost of all else, which could mean future acquisitions and the associated service disruptions are on the way, or a board of shareholders to keep happy.  

Couple of final things to consider around pricing and contracts: 

 PAYG or Block hour contracts are a no-go. They’re financially incentivised not to fix your issues quickly, prevent problems from arising or give you good advice – more time spent means more money for them. 

Watch out for contracts that can only increase monthly but not reduce as your employee or device count fluctuates. 

 Also, check for contracts that lock each new employee increase into a new annual term. 

Consider that low costs providers are not looking to invest back into the business to improve your experience, so think long-term if you are looking for a partner. 

 Now do bear in mind that prices can vary, don’t always assume a cheaper provider means lower service levels – in the case of Sereno, our service is excellent.  

At the same time, our pricing is reasonable because we can reduce overheads through the intelligent use of technology in our service delivery. 

Where does Sereno sit within this and why?

So, you’re probably thinking, where does Sereno fit within all of this? 

We work on a per-user per month basis for our service and track this accurately on our side, so you don’t have to.  

The only variation in price is whether you have invested in basic Cyber Security measures and if so, we reduce the cost per user. 

If you need onsite support, we offer this on an hourly basis. We don’t include it within our standard service offering simply because most partners wont ever need it, so why pay for the privilege.  

At Sereno, we only have one comprehensive Support service offering.  

We believe that to lead a proper partnership approach, we need to look after all areas of your IT just like an in-house IT department.  

Our service desk provides reliable support when you need it, with access to quick escalation and constant communication throughout.  

We put a large amount of our focus into our proactive approach. We genuinely believe that through a mixture of technology and consultancy, we can identify and resolve issues before they impact your business and guide you on improvements for employee experience and business growth. 

We want to prove our service quality to you first; as a result, we offer a 30-day rolling term for the first 12 months of our partnership. We also provide a Partnership Experience Agreement, meaning if you are unhappy with our service and can’t improve this for you, we won’t hold you to any contract. We see both as living our values and working as a true technology partner. 

Questions about IT support pricing?

We’re here to help! Whether you’re exploring tailored cyber security packages or seeking transparent IT Support pricing details, our expert advisors are ready to assist. Reach out to us for personalised guidance and take the first step towards seamless IT support tailored to your business needs.


Sereno IT Support Pricing Breakdown

Elevate your business with our transparent IT support pricing, starting from £35 per user/month. From cybersecurity to seamless installations, we offer cost-effective solutions tailored to your needs.

Support Service Investment

Our comprehensive Support Service is between £35-45 per user per month. 

This is dependent on the cyber security controls and services you have in place. If you protect your business and invest in security, we will invest in you and reduce our per user price. 

We have a minimum monthly commitment price equivalent of five employees. This is simply because the tools, people and process we invest in come with a substantial cost, but we do still want to work with small ambitious growing companies.  

Cyber security

We will help you make the most of security controls and services that are available within your existing subscriptions like Microsoft and Google. 

We also provide simple and cost-effective Cyber Security Packages that fit the needs for all businesses – from ‘Basic’ through to ‘Premium’ packages. 

Once you become a client our Advisors will consult with you on the most appropriate package to keep you secure. These Cyber Security Packages range from £5-15 per person per month.  

Technical Installations & Project Delivery

  • Our installation and project costs are below; however we also offer the below partnership offers to help you reduce the need for one off costs and reduce installation costs:

    • Hourly Engineer rate £95
    • Project day rate £900
    • Project Management rate £950
    • Consultancy rate £1100

  • To reduce the need for cyclical larger project costs such as Server upgrades, we will pay for 25% of your labour costs to move you to cloud systems like Microsoft and Google.

What about other IT costs?

Licensing Subscriptions – You are likely to have subscriptions already in place within the business such Microsoft and Google, we provide these at RRP.

However due to the increasing number of applications within these that need supporting and administering, we charge a small management fee of £1.50 per license per month.  

All other services you may get through your current provider can be purchased through us and our pricing reflects our values, its honest and fair.  

Buyer Guide to Managed IT Services in 2024

We understand how overwhelming it can be to choose the right provider, which is why we’ve compiled all the factors you need to consider into one easy-to-follow guide.

From assessing data security measures to evaluating professional services and contract flexibility, we provide expert guidance and insider tips to help you make an informed decision.


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